Quote Of The Day
"Today is a hard day to be fabulous"
-The Loud Lady With The Big Bags At The Other End Of The Subway Car
"Today is a hard day to be fabulous"
In a class yesterday one student was particularly interested in a traditional slave folktale about how people came to have the skin color they do. He shared with me, and with the rest of the class, that in his religion they have a similar story. In his story, God had an oven that he baked all the people in and some came out too light and underdone and this displeased Him, and some came out too dark because they were cooked too long, and this displeased Him, and then He got it right. "And that's people with skin color like mine!" I looked around the room and realized that this kid had just told 95% of the class that they were inferior in God's eyes because of their skin color. Do I critique the story and dis on his religion, or do I let it stand that he is one of the two "good" people in the room? I fumbled, panicked, and said something about how "lots of religions and folktales deal with trying to understand how different people can look different" and then moved on. Yikes.
This schedule of getting up early to work in the garden, teaching all day, and then staying up late to get ready for the next day is not really working for. Monday and Tuesday, fine. Wednesday, getting iffy. Today? I'm just worried about falling asleep on the train and missing my stop.
Yesterday I found myself in the vicinity of Washington Square with only a couple minutes in which to grab some dinner before a meeting. My favorite place for a quick bite is the bing place by the West 4th stop, but it had been closed for several months- the sign said for renovation- so I was excited to see that it was open. I was gifted with the opportunity to not only get a bing, but also to see what great renovations they had done.
Today's pet peeve is people who are assholes and don't respect artists or art enough to express their disagreement with the art/ists in non-destructive ways. I'm specifically referring to the horrible incident at Mike Daisy's performance of "Invincible Summer" at American Reperatory Theatre in which a group of 87 audience members stood up and left in the middle of his performance, one of them dumping a glass of water on the original outline that he uses to structure his unscripted show. Apparently it was a school group who didn't do a very good job researching what they were going to see and they were offended by the language he was using. It makes me sad, not only because they were rude, aggressive and physically destructive, but because Daisy's performance, which I saw this winter at the Public, is so raw and emotional and funny and challenging, and I think that if they had stayed they would possibly have gotten a lot out of it.
1. One of my kids is in the hospital because he has sickle cell
This morning, two more people entered my apartment when I was not exactly ready. The first was the cable guy and, true, ZPJ let him in, but I was naked!!! Someone got yelled at about that. Then, not even an hour later, after ZPJ left, the repair guy barged in without knocking, just like he did yesterday. I kind of yelled at him too, being a little tired of beign walked in on, and he actually chided me for not hearing him knocking. I was sitting on the couch five feet away!!!! He's so not my favorite.
Overheard (hard not to when it's shouted in a small room) in the teachers lounge of a Brooklyn middle school yesterday:
Got up super early for a class this morning, then came home after to catch a nap, and then just five minutes ago, as I slept unclothed in bed, was awoken by a repair man coming into my new apartment without knocking to install weather stripping on the back door. Could have been a great opening for a dirty movie, but instead it was just an awkward and disorienting way to wake up...fortunately I stopped him before he got a free view of the goods...
After two months, I've kind of settled into a groove with my thesis project kids. Things have been going relatively well lately, but then, how bad can it go when only two kids show up? No, no, it's not always that bad. I had three today, which is a 50% improvement from last week. And there are two more that would come, really they would, but doctor's appointments and such keep getting in the way. And one of the kids has what seems to be fairly serious pooping issues that cause him to leave half way through every workshop because he can't take care of business in the school bathrooms and needs to go to the comfort of home. But we are edging towards functionality, one half-hearted improv at a time. Will we have an provocative and inspiring performance at the end? Probably not. But today one of the boys expressed a real interest in doing live graffiti art during the performance and if we can milk that into a 30 minute show, with a couple of break-dance-numbers interspersed, I think I'll officially have a successful project on my hands.
Well, I'm all moved and unpacked (almost) and everything. The moving wasn't as bad as it could have been, considering that it could have been yesterday during the torrential downpour instead of Saturday during the warm sunniness. Yesterday during the rain I just sat around inside and unpacked boxes and watched the new backyard fill up with puddles. Lots and lots of puddles.
After successfully taking the train this morning to my far-away residency, I had to catch a local cab from the train station to the school. I got in a AAA cab and was surprised that the driver was a woman. Or maybe more surprised that I was surprised, having never really noticed that drivers always seem to be men. We chatted on the way to the school, mostly about rising gas prices and the weather and then, out of nowhere, she says "you know what else I hate? Immigrants. All of them. They come here and want money and food stamps and health care. You know what I mean?" I sat in the back seat in stunned silence as she stared me down in the rear-view mirror. Finally I responded "well, I guess we were all immigrants at one point, right?" and she quickly changed the subject back to gas prices and road rage. Although it quickly slid into a subject about foreign drivers with road rage. I said nothing else, not wanting to incite any more rage than necessary.
1. Go to maps.google.com.
Taking the train to the end of another borough can take a lot of time, and sometimes it takes longer than you expect, but usually even with delays, you will get there within maybe twenty minutes of when you think you will.
I do not like empty subway cars. They are one of the most isolated places in the city, and it doesn't feel right. When I am in a full subway car, the strangest, most unbalanced people might come in and I would not even notice them, let alone be threatened by them. But in an empty subway car, I regard anyone who enters with suspicion.
My Adventures in P-Land:
I hate flying red eye flights from west to east, but I especially hate flying them when they are delayed for hours and hours and you really want to leave but you just can't. Fortunately, we found out it was delayed from The Internets before we left the house, so we won't be stranded too long. So, here I am, just chillin' at my in-law's house and waiting till it's late enough to go to the airport.
P-Land is about two months ahead of NYC in terms of blooming flowers, budding trees, and buzzing bugs. It was like traveling ahead in time when we got off the plane- before we even saw the plants we could smell them. The air is alive here.
I can't wait to leave tonight. I need to get out of this city before I commit to doing one more thing that I don't really want to do.
Auntie Lauren went a little crazy buying baby clothes yesterday...but I was right. It did make me feel better. And I was no match for all the frilly pink sundresses. I'm sorry. I just wasn't.
I was so excited to sleep in today for the first time in awhile, but my morning sleep was plagued by stress-dreams and even after I woke up I just laid in bed for awhile and let the anxiety overtake me. Not an auspicious beginning to spring break. I think what I really need to do right now is get out of my pajamas and go to Target and buy baby clothes for my new niece. ZPJ might disagree and say that what I really need to do right now is laundry so that we have clean clothes to take to P-Land, but can't we both be right?
Is anyone else really disturbed that Carisa beat out Goil last week on Top Design? I know I'm five days late on this news, but I was busy Wednesday and didn't see the re-run 'till today. I'm really glad that Michael finally left, but I dislike Carisa almost as much as I disliked him, so I am very upset that she made the top three. To be fair, her designs have been getting better the last couple weeks, but I can't take another week of her rolling her eyes and blaming everyone around her for her bad time-management skills. I'll miss Goil. He was just too cute.