Playing is Hard Work

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I shockingly realized today that I might be taking the side of congressional Republicans over the Democrats today, but seriously?!?!?!:

The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, on Tuesday asked three committee chairmen, including Mr. Frank, to come up with legislation to recoup the bonus money, and suggested the House might pass a measure as early as this week.

But the reaction of another of the chairmen, Representative Charles B. Rangel of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee, underscored the legal and political complexities facing Democrats as they scramble for a solution. Mr. Rangel, a Democrat from New York, objected to one of the most popular ideas being floated — a confiscatory income tax on the recipients. The tax code is not “a political weapon,” he told reporters. -New York Times
Since when do we get mad and create legislation that retroactively penalizes certain contracts? I'm mad as hell about those douchebags getting millions of dollars for crashing the world market, but maybe these are things we should have looked into before we just wrote them a blank check for billions of dollars! This company (and many others who got us into this mess) are full of tricksy, tricksy hobbitses who are used to getting well-paid to screw people over, and we shouldn't have thought for half a second that they wouldn't have pulled something like this.

Come on, Nancy and Barney. Just because you have your majority doesn't mean you get to turn into legislative bullies.



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