I have been trying new things lately.
IPJ, my dear and wonderful friend, hooked me up with some pilates instruction that is really making me rethink the way I relate to my body. It feels like such a luxury, and I don't really indulge in luxuries that are good for my body. I've been having lots of body issues lately- back pain and the like- and I'm suddenly starting to think that maybe there is a way for me to feel better other than just avoiding all activity all together. And all this after only one week!
So this week, despite my attempts to take care of my cold, I banded together with some co-workers and made the commitment to go ice skating a couple times a week because the skating is free at certain parks near our place of employment and it is truly a delightfully seasonal joy. We solidified this commitment by buying matching ice skates (surprisingly inexpensive- under $30) and heading out a couple days ago. The first 10 minutes were excruciating and my ankles were screaming, but then after a little bit we finally got the hang of it and were cruising around, if not like pros then at least like reasonably competent people. And we were cute (see below)!
So, two new activities in one week! Not bad for a sick person. Of course, my ankles and abs are pretty sore still, but in the good way. Will I keep it up? We'll just have to see...

where and how did you get inexpensive ice skates? we have tons of free ice skating here, as long as you've got skates, and I want some. totally jealous!! Plus they seem like cute skates.
Pilates did amazing things for my core the semester we had to take it. However, I had tons of difficulty doing the excercises without using my neck as a voluntary "helper." This meant very good for abs, strange, awful tension introduced (or, since it is usually where I hold all my tension, amplified) in my upper back and neck and chest. Hopefully your neck is less "helpful."
Look how excited I just got about your post. What a nerd am I?!
lauren! that is so cool. i've never tried pilates before. but the big thing i LOVE is yoga. i practice anusara. it kicks your but and gets you in shape all at the same time. i had chronic back pain from a car accident and it was healed through yoga. i never have pain now as long as i am active and doing yoga. just a thought to share with you.
I heard about your skates. They look like so much fun! Where were you at Bryant Park?
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