Playing is Hard Work

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I've given up on my quest for oat/flax bars for a little while because of the onset of my first winter cold. I hate getting sick, but it seems to happen quite frequently this time of year. I need a plan of action that is going to get me through this season with the minimum of missed days because SERIOUSLY I just want my life to be normal and now that I FINALLY have a decent and workable schedule, I'd like to not destroy it with lots of sick days. So these are the accommodations that I am attempting that will help keep me more healthy than I am now:
  • I have cut out most of my substance-related vices, including coffee (!!!) and I've been drinking little more than green tea and sparkling water
  • I am desperately trying to get to bed before midnight every night (with varying success)
  • I am eating lots of brightly colored fruits and vegetables
  • I'm even taking the dreaded one-a-day vitamins that I don't like
Despite my efforts, it seems likely that I'm going to be sick for awhile, so we'll just see if I can get through the 9 classes, three office days, two meetings, one play, and the ice-skating trip that I already have on the books for this week without too much hazard and I PROMISE I'll book less for next week...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:28 AM  

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