Playing is Hard Work

Friday, November 16, 2007


My great-aunt was released from the hospital yesterday- I went and picked her up and she was doing great. She started cleaning as soon as she got home, despite my protests that she shouldn't exert herself. I'm very glad that she is doing so well because two weeks is a long time in the hospital when one is 70.

Also, and I feel a little guilty for saying it, I'm glad to have a break from the pet-sitting, hospital-visiting schedule that we've been on. Every time I think I have free time, something comes up, it seems. Not that I am in the least bit resentful of taking care of my aunt while she was sick, but it's been a long time since I've been able to go straight home after work. And by a long time, I mean not once this fall. This city takes a lot of time, I've noticed. Time to get from one place to another. Time to set up times to see people. Time to do anything. Even when I do get home before 9pm I find that I have just about zero energy. I guess there could be worse things.

So, next week is a holiday and I actually am not working a ton, and as far as I can tell (knock on wood) I'll have a minimum of classes to plan for, organizing meetings to attend, work functions to be a part of, and family members to take care of. Sounds nice, huh? I have my fingers crossed.


Blogger Heather K said...

Amen to the city and time. I actually noticed yesterday that I am cramming so much stuff into my weeks and days that my brain has been mentally splitting them so I seem less busy, but I also then seem to be having 10 and 12 day weeks. Maybe that isn't better.

10:34 AM  

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