Playing is Hard Work

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Well, I still have beer and meat in my fridge, but that's just because I overestimated the appetites of my guests on Friday... The party was a success- so much so that we may have alienated our new upstairs neighbor by loudly singing at 4 in the morning. Oops. I guess we just got carried away in the moment. Hopefully she recognizes that it was all out of love.

I am usually a person who is very on top of her scheduling, as most people who freelance and have more than three jobs usually are. I have to be accountable for all my time, so I take a lot of care to be aware of my different responsibilities and deadlines. I totally didn't know, however, that tomorrow is a holiday and all of my offices are closed. Huh. I guess no one mentioned it to me explicitly until Friday afternoon when I kept talking about a meeting on Monday and someone finally said, "uh, Lauren, we won't be here on Monday." How about that. Maybe it's because I'm from the west side of the country and we don't usually celebrate Columbus Day (referred to on my peace calendar as Indigenous Peoples Day). Maybe I was repressing my need for a day off so strongly that I ignored an actual day off. Who knows. But now I have one. It's glorious.

I'll let you all know how it goes, but I anticipate that it will be filled with catching up on crap I've been too busy to attend to. Like the conference I'm presenting at on Saturday. Presenting what, you ask? Excellent question. I'll figure it out tomorrow.


Blogger Heather K said...

I also am baffled by the East coastness of this celebration. We never thought about it much, although sometimes we got school off (not always at my little Catholic school though).

10:25 AM  

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