Playing is Hard Work

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Guess What His Name Rhymes With?

Tucker Carlson just made me cry a little bit.

I made the mistake of turning on mid-day cable news in the hopes of finding some information about what is going on with the recent subpoenas and immigration bill and THE WAR that we are in, but instead I hear Tucker complaining about how little Muslims around the world appreciate everything we've done for them:

"In Pakistan only 9% say they support the US, in Turkey only 13%, and these are our allies! We went out of our way to help these guys! And I'm tired of people saying 'Oh, it's America's fault, we're doing something wrong,' because if that many people don't like us, maybe something is wrong with them!"

So I switched to a different channel and got to listen to some other asshole tell a human rights advocate that constitutional separation of powers and racially-motivated harassment by law enforcement are only "semantics."

Seriously. This all coming on the heels of Elizabeth Edwards getting criticized for calling out Anne Coulter and Larry King dumping Michael Moore and an hour long discussion of health care in America to talk to FUCKING PARIS HILTON about WHO GIVES A SHIT.

I am sick of cable.

No, wait, I still have HGTV. Thank goodness there are almost no political ramifications to watching home decorating.

Seriously, though. Is there no place for discourse left in our culture? I listen to NPR and read the Times and, although they have a certain bent, they at least refrain from spewing vitriolic racial hate. But it still seems that the only people who listen to Fresh Air are the same people who have always listened to Fresh Air. I want more!!! I want debate and discourse from people who aren't making lots of money from being the biggest, loudest, jackass like all the politicians and "journalists." I am sick of it. I want more.


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