Playing is Hard Work

Monday, June 11, 2007

A Starting Point

I think I'm spending more time thinking about all the wonderful things I'm going to do with my time once I'm finished with my work than I am actually doing my work. Not such a good strategy.

There is now a scale in my house for the purpose of weighing bodies, and this has turned into a fun little exercise to see how much my weight actually fluxuates throughout the day. Usually I gain and lose about 4 lbs on any given day. Between Saturday morning and Sunday morning I lost 6 lbs, which surprised me because all I had done was eat cheese and drink beer between weigh-ins. Of course, by this morning, I had gained half of it back again.

I need to stop the madness and only weigh myself twice a week.

But that wouldn't be nearly so informative.

I have a long list of things that I need to do. Or should do. Some of them are little things like "I need to call my student loan people and get that taken care of" and others of them are big things like "I need to figure out what I want my career to look like" and "I need to start saving for retirement" and some of them are inbetween like "I need to go grocery shopping" and "I need to stop faffing about on the internet and write this damn paper."

Well, we'll just have to wait and see how many of these actually get taken care of.


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