Playing is Hard Work

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Finish Line

ZPJ finished his test yesterday - he seems to feel relatively good about it. When I talked to him yesterday after he had finished, he sounded like he was walking on air. Not surprising, given the burden that he's been carrying around with him for the last few months. I'm just pleased as punch that I'm going to get my husband back now. I was almost getting to the end of being able to entertain myself every evening. A person can only watch so many reruns of House before you've seen them all several times. Of course, he won't be home until Sunday, but I think I'll keep pretty busy before then as my dad is coming into town.

Thanks to all for the well-wishes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best of luck to him! That's the stupidest of all tests, but I won't rant about that on your blog. Hope all is well in NYC! - Bill

10:43 AM  

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