- the new bed that is not as firm as it was when we bought it
- old bras that are stretched out and not so supportive as they used to be
- heavy bags full of conference supplies
- cats sleeping on top of me
After several hours at the doctor's, I am no nearer an explanation, although I am now going to go in for physical therapy and I'm wearing a new bra.
ZPJ has been plagued with strange rashes and bumps for the last month or so, and he now has been diagnosed with dermatographism, which is roughly translated as "skin drawing". He is not allergic to any specific thing other than touch, and scratches and touching make his skin raise up in red marks. A good example is:

He's not letting me have nearly as much fun as I would like to have with his new disease, but I managed to let me abuse and mark him to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of our dear IPJ, who took us to an interesting radio play and caused us to drink texas-sized drinks.
So, you aren't drawing/writing on him in his sleep? Really ZPJ where is the fun in that?
Dude, that totally sucks though--for both of you.
I hope all things get figured and straightened out soon.
Yea! Disease! Pain! Birthday!
My sister has something like that skin rash thing! Maybe it runs in the family?
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