Playing is Hard Work

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I think that the universe does not want me to have a job.

First, I was disturbed by the terrible heat and humidity that would surely make my hair/makeup look less than professional for my interview today. So I packed a bag with water, a comb, and some extra powder for my nose.

Then, I was distressed by the widespread MTA disruptions due to what is being called a "tornado" this morning, so I called the office I was headed to and told them I might be late if the trains weren't running.

Finally, when I called, I was dismayed by the news that the position I was supposed to interview for had actually been filled two or three weeks ago and I just never got the message.

Fortunately, ZPJ can't make it into work either, because there are actually NO trains running from Bklyn to downtown right now, so we're just chilling on the couch watching movies, avoiding the "sauna"-like conditions outside, and wondering if either of us will ever work again.


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