Here, for my 200
th post, I give you a photo collage of my adventures in July:
I drank an overpriced fruit-flavored martini on top of Central Park:

I kissed a dinosaur:

I went and saw HP5: The Movie at the
IMAX (3D!!!!!!!!!!!):

Got stuck in a shitty airport for a really, really long time:

I got rained on in Seattle:

We got hijacked by a U-Haul full of chairs:

We set up hastily-procured tents to shield us from the rain:

My brother got married (under one of the tents):

I went up to the mountains and sat in the sun for awhile:

I hung out with my
niece, who is really cute...:

...and takes making
farty-faces very seriously:

I tried to fight off the baby-making urges:

I went to a festival of brewers:

Kidnapped a seven year old:

And went to go see HP5: The Movie,
again, at a different
IMAX (still 3D!!!!)
And had one hell of a sunset on the last night of my trip:

Then I came home and got kissed by kitties:

The end.
Happy birthday!!!!
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