The Votes Are In!
It was actually a "National Pie Day (observed)"/Hat Party, so everyone brought a pie and a hat. This is a selection of the pies:
30 pies / 40 guests = .75 pies each
It didn't go down that way, though, so we had to go back to the Walkiltons' house the next day and eat more pie while watching football thus the pie baby. After the second pie-trip, there were still about 12 pies in their fridge.
Pie Favorites:
- Mint Chocolate Cheesecake
- Avacado Pie
- Banana Creme with Toasted Coconut Meringue
(mine is the cherry pie with the lattice and heart at the corner of the table)
In terms of OTHER voting results, I am beginning to lose a little steam for this primary election and I can't imagine how the campainers are feeling. Do we really have to wait till April to know who our candidate is? Are we going to have a floor fight at the convention? I'm just glad I got to vote, though, and gratified that bklyn was the only district in the metro area that was even close to a fifty-fifty draw, even if my single vote didn't tip BO over the edge.
Remember how last time you posted about your pie I said I'd have sex with it? Well, that beautifully latticed pie in that picture is just taunting me.
How does one make that? Because I've been craving and eating avocados, like, every day whilst breastfeeding. I had zero cravings as powerful when I was pregnant and now when I buy two avocados and then eat one I start freaking out because WE ARE RUNNING LOW ON AVOCADOS!
So, um, like, do you know how?
And also, your cherry pie is beautiful.
HA! I'm also in love with avacados, but apparently not as much as you are... I asked, and was told, that the recipie is simply to whip up an avadaco with condensed milk and some lemon juice, pour into a crumb crust and then top with cool whip and chill. It tastes creamy and delicious and not entirely unlike key lime pie.
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