Dress Rehearsal
I didn't get the performance scheduling snafu at the school straightened out today, but we did a dress rehearsal anyway. I take little joy in admitting that I have succumbed to the standard line of 2nd graders along the edge of the stage so that they can all be seen and remember where to stand, but it was completely necessary since we only had one rehearsal on the actual stage, and I DO take joy in admitting that they are still effing cute. I'm treading that line so commonly trod in youth theatre - it doesn't look polished or professional, but they LOVE being on stage and the learned a lot while creating their performances, so is it a good thing or a bad thing? I say good, but I'm also not going to ask any of you to trek out to East New York to see them perform next week. 2nd grade performances should not be inflicted on anyone other than teachers and parents.
I thought when I set up this part-time office, part-time teaching system that I would have lots of times when I wasn't really working, but that hasn't turned out to be the case. Today is one of the rare days when I was able to come home in the afternoon rather than heading back to the office. Last August, at the 20th Anniversary of my 8th Birthday, MNS brought over some craft supplies and I've had them sitting on my desk for the last 5 months, waiting for that perfect opportunity to bring them back to her. Today I was digging through it and found some origami paper, so I'm spending my afternoon off sitting at the desk, folding origami fish and stars and boxes and watching online reruns of my favorite cast-away drama series in anticipation of the long-awaited but disastrously-truncated 4th season, which begins next week. Will they be rescued?!?! I'm making them an origami boat, just in case.

the 20th anniversary of your 8th birthday! i love it!
is that the age you most love?
i guess, my 24th anniversary of my 5th birthday is approaching then.
i was also thinking of going with my "27th birthday + 2"
and why must you speak so cryptically of this television show of cast-aways? just come out and say it, you love Gilligan's Island!
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