Playing is Hard Work

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Along with the usual sleep-deprivation and self-doubt, my stress this week has been augmented by an unhealthy relationship that I am not pleased about. It's not an intimate relationship. It's not even, in the scheme of things, that important of a relationship. But it is unhealthy, and it is affecting my ability to have perspective about other things. I blogged about this EXACT situation regarding this EXACT person in November of 2006 - one of my very first posts to this now-legendary bastion of memoir and insight. Why is it still an issue? Why still unhealthy? I vote that it's because old habits die hard and you can't make a tiger change its stripes and neither is it easy to teach an old dog new tricks. That's what I say. Oh, also, people are stupid.

I get easily ruffled when things aren't going smoothly. Are my standards and expectations unreasonable? Is it too much to expect that we could ALL JUST GET ALONG?


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