Playing is Hard Work

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I Thought Of Something!

I realized that I actually have something to write about, other than my phlem-production and constant headaches.

MNS and I, along with a colleague, proposed a workshop for the AATE conference this summer. We just got notified that our proposal was accepted, so we'll be traveling to the Far West in August. The conference is in Vancouver, BC and promises to be full of enough drama-nerdiness even for me. 'Why,' you might ask 'is the annual conference of the American Alliance of Theatre Educators happening in Canada?' but you would be missing the larger point. Which is that I now have some promise of professional activity this summer. Up until this point my summer consisted of several weddings and a couple vacations, but no actual work. Can I make this one week-long conference (unpaid) count for three months of employment? Probably not. But I'm going to try.

Now I've got a fire under my butt to submit proposals/papers to the other conferences this year that I've had my eye on. They're due soon, but I'm now inspired to push through and try to make it. I like the idea of going to conferences as a presenter. It seems like a good justification for getting a masters degree. Who knows? After a couple of these I may actually get off my butt and try to publish something!


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