Playing is Hard Work

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Too Much Of A Good Thing?

Okay, so here it is. After watching HGTV for a week straight, with almost no interruptions, I am seriously considering submitting my apartment for one of the re-design shows. But the question is, which one??? "FreeStyle" wherein spunky 20 something designers rearrange everything you own so that it actually looks cool without spending a dime? "Re-Mix" where your room's style is updated and coolified using things you already own and a whole bunch of paint and upholstery? "Design on a Dime" wherein a design team has $1000 to make your room in to a dream room? I can't decide!!!! Here's my bed room:
Literally, a Bed Room. It's 8x7 feet and all we can fit in there besides the bed is the big armoire my aunt loaned me. There's one shelf on the wall that I put some wicker baskets up on, but that's all there is room for. There is literally no way to rearrange the furniture without blocking the window or the door. What do you, dear readers, suggest??? Is there anything that can be done besides a coat of paint?

Am I watching too much HGTV???


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