Go Dems!!
So, the Dems are playing a 100 hour game this week, trying to see how much legislation they can push through now that they have a majority. What are they pushing?
- Requiring tax cuts to be matched with cuts in spending so that we don't add to our deficit
- Implementing some of the 9/11 Commission's suggestions that were ignored until now, like screening cargo that comes into the country
- Making it harder for lobbying groups to get money to lawmakers
- Raising the minimum wage
- Lowering prescription drug costs for seniors
- Lowering interests rates for student loans
- Cutting oil company subsidies and encouraging sustainable/renewable energy
Not bad, huh? Thanks for voting, everyone. Now if we can just get them moving on protecting prisoners' rights and our privacy rights in this war on terror, I'll be without anything to complain about for awhile.
In other news, I am finishing my 10 days of unemployment since New Years!! Not that I'm really working for the rest of the week, either, but getting paid to attend a rehearsal tonight forces me to officially end my epic streak of unproductivity. Is that a word? Let's ask Blogger's spell check....Nope, that's a brand new word for you folks. So, what do I have to show for myself this last week?
- A newfound addiction to HGTV and correlating newfound crafty ideas
- A half-compiled photo album of the last two years
- A half-finished baby blanket for my soon-to-be-niece
- 76 index cards with drama activities created and sorted
- A proposal to a conference this summer
- Some videos of november's puppet show converted to dvd for editing
- 2007 calendar purchased and hung on the wall
- Some jewelry dropped off at the jewelers to have settings tightened
- 5 walks around the neighborhood replacing trips to the gym because its so nice outside
- Many pictures of my cats taken, but enough restraint used so that only one is posted on my blog
Take that, Dems!
Something you and ZPJ MUST do in a week and a half when it is temporarily in NYC.
This is a cut and paste of a my space message from one of my all time favorite theatre companies (of which my most awesome professor ever is a member of).
"Dear wonderful person I know
I'm writing to invite you to a 45-minute showcase version of 500 Clown Frankenstein.
We will be performing three times at Theater 5, 311 West 43rd Street, 5th Floor (btwn 8th & 9th Ave.) on the following schedule:
Saturday January 20th at 7 PM and 11 PM
Sunday January 21st at 6PM
We will be tromping around New York for days before hand worrying and getting excited, so if you'd like to distract us by arranging a meeting with us, we would like that. Steven Harris of Highwire Entertainment (contact: 212-757-0700 and steven@highwireent.com)
will have much more information about 500 Clown Frankenstein, 500 Clown Macbeth and 500 Clown Christmas than you can possibly want - He will also have Booth 624 in the resource room at APAP.
I hope you can make it. And please pass this on to folks you know who are looking for "Jaw dropping" theater work to present, produce or encounter.
Clown make Monster
Adrian Danzig
Producing Artistic Director
500 Clown
"Life is Worth the Risk" "
I have seen their Christmas live three times and it rules and takes on a life of its own with each audience, and I have seen McB and Frankenstein on DVD (although a very, very early version of Frankenstien). They develop their own shows, and they don't ever consider any of them to ever be finished, nor do they have a written text of any of them. Also they freaking rule. Go see it please, it will be so worth it.
I will be seeing Frankenstein and McB this summer when Steppenwolf has them running in Rep out of one of their theatres.
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