Playing is Hard Work

Friday, November 17, 2006

Homeward Bound

Zach and I decided last night to get tickets home for Thanksgiving. Its going to be good to be home for a couple days.

Mom is doing better- she went home last night and has been improving steadily since they turned off her medication. The MRI was inconclusive and they still aren't entirely sure what went wrong, but hopefully we'll have some answers soon.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers- It has been very comforting to me.

Side Note: Tickets on Thanksgiving day are a third of the price that they are the day before Thanksgiving. Thusly, we'll be having turkey on the plane.

Additionally: Although one can easily fly into Pasco, WA., it is very difficult to get a ticket out. Why could this be? Could it be that more people are leaving than coming? Could it be that there is a scheme in place to keep people in? Either way, we are very glad that we can hop a ride to Portland on Sunday night to fly back to NYC. Being stuck in Pasco is an unsettling feeling...


Blogger Benjamin Gorman said...

Will you have a lay-over in Portland? We could come to the airport and have lunch or dinner or something. We did it once when Jole had a lay-over. It's a short visit, but when friends live far away we think it's worth it. We would love to see you and get a chance to show Noah off.


10:47 PM  

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