Playing is Hard Work

Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Lack of Resources

I've had a rough couple weeks. I just finished the annual conference I organize and am in the middle of writing my thesis proposal and have a show opening on Friday and have been teaching more than I expected to. But I can do it all, because I asked for it, right?

But on Tuesday night my mom was hospitalized. She was in parent/teacher conferences and her principal realized she couldn't talk coherently so she sent her to the hospital because she thought she was having another stroke. My dad was out of town and had trouble getting back, and its been hard getting information because Mom can't talk very well, but it seems that she's either had a stroke or is having a severe reaction to the new pain medication that she's been on. Either way, its very scary to talk to a parent on the phone from 2500 miles away and have them make no sense.

So I'm feeling like the balancing act of sheer will-power that is my professional and academic life is coming to an end. My efforts were based in the fact that my personal life could take care of itself. Now I am faced with a lack of resources, and I'm not sure what's going to be the first thing to go.


Blogger Heather K said...

Oh my God!!! I am hugging you through your blog, and I am calling my mom to have her check on your mom and feed your family and stuff like that--she's good at it.

I don't know what to say, but know that I love you ad am thinking about you/praying for you (in as much as I pray).

6:04 PM  

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